We train the “untrainable”.

We welcome the “misunderstood”.

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Being a Dog Parent is the best thing EVER!

There’s no joy quite like…

Seeing their nose inches from your face when you wake up every morning.
Seeing them be an absolute goofball and laughing at them until your stomach hurts.
Seeing them try new things and become confident.

Your dog is the BEST dog on earth.

Even if they jump on people when they come over.
Even when they pull on the leash and lunge at other dogs.
Even when they bark at absolutely nothing and scare your soul out of your body.

They’re still your best friend.

Whether they have behavior issues or if they’re perfect angels…

Every dog should be trained!
That’s right…even the “good ones”.

✨ Imagine taking your dog on an outing with your friends and everyone raves about how well behaved they are.

✨Imagine getting to take your dog everywhere with you.

✨ Imagine coming home from a long day to see her sweet face waiting for you with all four feet on the floor.

✨ Imagine a confident and happy dog in all situations…even the unexpected ones.

✨ Imagine being the envy of all other dog moms.

Okay, now imagine all of THAT….but having it be “Common Scents Simple”.

We KNOW you want to do this right.

There’s a million different training methods these days.
It can be hard to choose what’s best for your dog.

The trainers you’ve looked into are great with dogs, but they don’t set you up to succeed at home.

Before I became a CPDT, I was so frustrated.

I went through multiple different trainers.
All the group classes…we took them.
Online sessions with our favorite TikTok stars. We’ve done it all.

But I was craving more.

- personalization 
- consistency
- support in-between sessions
- understanding that it’s not “one-size-fits all”

That’s when I decided to become a CPDT and start my own training program.

So I could help other Dog Moms simplify dog training so that it works with their lifestyle.

When I started learning more about Animal Psychology and Learning Theory, I realized this dog training thing can be pretty simple.

So simple…that it’s “Common Scents”.

When you understand HOW and WHY an animal thinks and learns, it’s easier for you to recognize:
- triggers
- behaviors
- body language

So you can meet your dog where they’re at.
And set them up to be successful.

Common Scents Dog Training teaches you:
- How dogs learn.
- How dogs think.
- How to read subtle dog body language.
- How to advocate for your dog.
- How to speak their language so they actually listen to you.

What We Offer




  • “We are so blessed to have Emily for a trainer. She is patient and willing to work on whatever problem may arise. She is there to answer questions with videos that we share. She is honest in things she sees that needs to be address. I am forever blessed to have her as our trainer.”

    Colleen Stafford

  • "The moment I messaged Emily and voiced my concerns, she reassured me she could help and she definitely has. The minute she came over, she got to work with our dog and just watching her made us feel like we could handle this attention seeking behavior. She did things with my dog, I didn’t even know my dog could do!! After our session, my family and I got to work and implemented what Emily taught us the second she left and it has made a world of difference in our home. "

    Natosha Crowell

  • "Emily was excellent in showing us how to understand and expect the best versions of our dogs. I have done several trainings with dogs, she's the only one that explained the behaviors of my dogs and how to watch for triggers in order to make for a more confident and well behaved dog!"

    Josie Hauschild


  • Common Scents Dog Trainers are Science-Based Dog trainers. Science-based trainers teach through effectively communicating with the dog in ways they comprehend. A variety of methods are used, including positive reinforcement, shaping, teaching by example, and more.

    I do not use any techniques that are considered abuse and believe in LIMA (Least Intrusive Minimally Aversive).

  • I do recommend clicker training your dog because it is 50% faster than other methods. You’re busy! You need all the free time you can get.

    If you’re not a fan of the clicker, that’s ok! You can still be successful with your dog. (I hated clickers when I first started training my dogs!)

  • The word “positive” in the term “Positive Reinforcement” does not mean EMOTION.

    It means ADDITION.

    You are adding something to the situation to get a desired behavior to continue.

    To ONLY use Positive Reinforcement means that you as a dog parent, has NEVER yelled at your dog.
    That you NEVER say “no”.
    That you NEVER turn around and walk away when your dog jumps on you.

    All of those things are PUNISHMENTS.

    Science tells us that dogs learn by reinforcement and punishments.

    But I do not physically punish a dog.

  • Yes! Working with reactive dogs is the reason I fell in love with dog training. I know how overwhelming and scary it can be to be in this situation, and I would love to help you work through it.

  • YES! We are American Kennel Club Evaluators for S.T.A.R Puppy, Canine Good Citizen, Canine Good Citizen Advanced, and Canine Good Citizen Urban.

    Evaluations for these tests are free for Common Scents Dog Training Members.

  • YES! We help owners train both therapy dogs and service dogs!